Not All at All

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Many of the so called Christians of today, believe that God loves everybody. That is, every single person in the world from all and every nation.

Nothing farther from the truth. God speaks clearly in His Word (the Bible, that many Christians never read), that He chose a people for His Name before the foundation of the world.

At that time, there was not even one of us present. God made that decision by Himself, within the Godhead -Father, Son and Spirit. God decided who was going to live and who was going to die. He decided who would become a true follower of Jesus, and who will not.

Just as Judas Iscariot was chosen to become a reprobate, likewise it has been throughout the history of humankind. The first two sons of Adam and Eve, one became a worshiper of God and the other a murderer.

It has always been like that from the beginning, and our days are not different. Today, the deception has multiplied and we can see the wickedness of this world growing in every way. But, what is more important is the extent of the false Gospels that are created by reprobates day after day.

People are being deceived left and right, mainly because the Word of God has been trampled down; but God already told us that. So, there’s nothing new under the sun regarding the corruption of mankind.

The only thing that we are expecting is the end. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again as He promised, and then we will see the elect and the reprobate clearly. He will call His people out by name, and He will judge and take vengeance on the reprobate. Then, we will see who really was the loved ones, and that it wasn’t the “all” at all.

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